
The Hacienda Cañasgordas is the great protagonist of the history of Valle del Cauca and the Nation. We invite you to work as a team so that we preserve and make visible this beautiful icon of our cultural heritage, with its historical, architectural, environmental and cultural values.
Join us in this great dream we have to build a place that is a source of inspiration, knowledge, research, creativity, entrepreneurship, well-being and entertainment. A place articulated with the city and the region, with sustainable urban development, which symbolizes our roots and projects us into the future as a world-class Cultural Epicenter, which generates social impact.
If you support the Hacienda Cañasgordas, you are part of a comprehensive city-region project, since due to its strategic location in front of the Cercanías Train and the Green Corridor, it currently impacts more than 2,400,000 inhabitants not only in Cali, but also in its metropolitan area made up of Jamundí, Yumbo, Candelaria and Palmira.
Through our payment point you can donate from $10,000, up to the amount you want to support us, additionally you can buy one of our 3 Treasury bonds or a product from the Store.

Furniture Donation
If you have old furniture or decorative elements and you want to donate them to recreate life at Hacienda Cañasgordas, you can do so by contacting the Cultural Director, Nubia Gaona at 315 5518862. The furniture or item to be donated will be curated by historians and anthropologists who will attest to the time of La Colonia. Once this guarantee is fulfilled, it will be exhibited to set the scene in one of the spaces of the main house of the Hacienda. The donor will receive a Donation certificate and his name or that of his family will appear in the list of donors on the Hacienda Cañasgordas website.