Strategic Business Plan and
Master Plan
The Hacienda Cañasgordas was built in the 17th century and since then it has been a private property, which in 2004 became the property of the Cañasgordas Eusebio Velasco Borrero Foundation, a non-profit entity whose responsibility is to ensure the sustainability and preservation of this BICN.
In 1980 the Hacienda was declared a Property of National Cultural Interest (BICN), for three values that characterize it: Historical, Aesthetic and Symbolic. It has a Special Management and Protection Plan PEMP of 2014, modified in 2020, which must be adjusted and updated to current regulations and guarantee the sustainability of the Treasury over time.
To carry out this process, the Cañasgordas Foundation has proposed to carry out a comprehensive city project that includes a Master Plan and a Business Plan in 4 stages as follows:
We are currently in Stage 0 – DNA, in which we will identify the DNA (Essence) of Hacienda Cañasgordas, in order to create interest and a sense of belonging in the Cali community and the region. This will be carried out through eight (8) CoLABs or virtual collaborative laboratories, aimed at different interest groups, as a tool to generate a shared vision of the Treasury through dialogue and participatory planning.
The CoLAB will be divided into 8 themes: History and Literature, Neighborhood, Heritage and Architecture, Landscaping and Environment, Haciendas Network, Design, Sustainability DNA and Dissemination. These will be made up of leaders and experts in each of the issues raised, coordinated by a management committee, chosen by the Cañasgordas Foundation.
The results of each of the CoLAB will be systematized in order to generate a tank of thought, a Baseline, which will then be analyzed in a Synthesis Workshop, made up of members of the Foundation and experts in each of the topics, to build a Shared vision of what the mission of the Treasury should be and its offer to the public.
With the results obtained in the Synthesis Workshop, a basic scheme will be generated with proposed uses, activities and areas and its respective financial sustainability model, which will serve to seek investors to carry out Stages 1 and 2 and will be the basis for adjustment and updating of the PEMP and formulation of the Master Plan for Hacienda Cañasgordas.