In 1980, with the declaration of the Casa de la Hacienda de Cañasgordas as National Historical Heritage, the payment of the debt that had been owed for two centuries with the Confederate Cities or Friends of the Valley began, based on the way the centralist historians taught to the country the history of our Independence from Spain. They were always unaware of the pioneering participation of Santiago de Cali, when on July 3, 1810, it made the first manifestation of self-determination and then with the first Battle of Bajo Palacé (March 28, 1811). Likewise, the participation of the majority of the Valle del Cauca soldiers in the last Battle in the country, that of Bomboná (Pasto, April 7, 1822) and the 4000 soldiers also from Valle del Cauca who participated in the Battles of Pichincha (Ecuador, May 22, 1822), Junín (Peru, August 4, 1824) and Ayacucho (Peru, December 9, 1824).
Through Popular Action managed by the Society of Public Improvements of Cali, the State Council ordered that the Nation, the Department of the Valley and the Municipality of Cali, in equal parts, should rebuild the Casa de la Hacienda and its Trapiche. This pays tribute not only to Dr. Joaquín de Caicedo y Cuero, President of the Board of Confederate Cities and protomartyr of Independence for having been shot in San Juan de Pasto with 8 of his soldiers, but also to the participation of the region vallecaucana, as a pioneer and as a hallmark of the liberating feat.
Nicolás Ramos
Civil Engineer from the Universidad del Cauca. He was general manager of Emcali, regional director of the Sena, general director of the VI Pan American Games de Cali, president of the Cali Public Improvement Society, among others. He is currently Honorary President of the Public Improvement Society of Cali. He has received innumerable distinctions such as the Julio Garavito Order and the Vallecaucano Order of Merit.